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Your support to stand firm for orphans and less privileged children is invaluably needed to educate, bring Love to hopeless and abused kids and enhancing services that allow them cultivate their full potentials. Since it was founded CIE has been providing children  with free care, education, counseling, tutoring, and mentoring. Many of these children come from broken, poor or abusive homes, and we are starting a Daycare and School Project Soul Clinic community to shelter 150 orphans and provide basic primary education to they and other children in need




CIE has a lot of events happening at its four different regional offices in Liberia. Find out the next event happening at your region.

One quarter of people affected by crises are women and girls aged 15-49. At the same time, access to quality services decreases. For many women and girls this can be the difference between life and death from fully preventable and treatable causes.



Giving to CIE Changes lives!  Your gift enables thousands of marginalized people across Liberia to encounter the powerful idea and tools they need to overcome poverty and to transform policy and culture.

There are plenty of ways to work with CIE. Find out if being a volunteer, an intern or a member suits you

For millions of young people around the world, the onset of adolescence brings not only changes to their bodies but also new vulnerabilities to human rights abuses, particularly in the arenas of sexuality, marriage and childbearing.

The Centre for Inclusion and Empowerment (CIE)  is a non-governmental organization working for the education, empowerment and inclusion of the marginalized and disadvantaged, mainstreaming their needs into national socioeconomic development.

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© 2017 by Centre for Inclusion & Empowerment

Call us:

(+231) 777352284/888061328

Find us: 

24th Street, Airfield New Road, Sinkor,

1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia

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