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CIE Youth Leadership program develops socially-responsible young leaders and empower them to make a positive impact.  Each summer, hundreds of adolescents and teens and educators engage with each other across lines of conflict—sharing meals, living spaces, and learning experiences in a traditional summer camp program.
For many, this type of interaction is impossible at home, and Camp is the first time they are encountering and engaging peers from the ‘other side.’ Personal change begins here.
As participants form relationships and gain insights into the root issues that divide them, they build greater levels of trust, respect, and empathy, which inspire their commitment to work for change at home.

© 2017 by Centre for Inclusion & Empowerment

Call us:

(+231) 777352284/888061328

Find us: 

24th Street, Airfield New Road, Sinkor,

1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia

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