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1. community

​Fostering a safe and supportive environment for positive youth development
and reproductive health;
Knowledge, Attitudes, and


2. Skills

Skills: Empowering youth with knowledge, attitudes, and skillsrelated to healthy sexual and reproductive health behaviors; and

Services: Increasing youth access to and use of sexual and reproductive health services andcommodities.



CIE Approach to Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
Youth, which refers to people ages 10 to 24, is a dynamic time of life, as many physical, social, and psychological changes that occur during our lifetimes occur during this time frame. Between childhood and adulthood, attitudes are defined, long-term skills are acquired, health behaviors are formed, and life courses are charted. This is the period when youth aspirations and capabilities can be nurtured. The development challenge is to capitalize on the assets of youth, while modifying those behaviors, cultural norms, and social conditions that threaten their health
and well-being. Meeting this challenge calls for strategic actions that encompass:

This three-pronged approach is widely recognized as a useful framework for developing interventions to help youth practice healthier sexual and reproductive health behaviors.CIE programs work in each of these areas.Developmental stages and social transitions vary across ages, as well as between boys and girls. Asa result, CIE’s YSRH projects pay careful attention to the specific characteristics of youth, such as age, gender, schooling, and cultural setting, which can influence the effectiveness of interventions.Moreover, ILP interventions strive to reach youth where they live, study, work, and play.

© 2017 by Centre for Inclusion & Empowerment

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(+231) 777352284/888061328

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24th Street, Airfield New Road, Sinkor,

1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia

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